Farmville Summer Cottage (Details Here) (Share Now)

It’s not often that we have a trio of new Buildings to discuss over two separate themes, but that seems to be the case with the arrival of the Summer theme blending with the swansong of the Mexico theme.

Remember that awesome new sale that’s going on? Yeah, it’s spreading over onto the Buildings tab, too. This is the Summer Cottage, one of two discounted Buildings on the Market tonight. The Summer Cottage features more greenery than you can shake a stick at, with all of the trees covering up about 40% of the actual house. The house itself is dainty, with yellow siding clashing against a deep blue awning and rooftops. The sun porch is the real winner here, providing a little something unique that’s tough to find elsewhere on the Market. It costs 20 FV Cash on sale, knocking 5 FV Cash off of the usual 25 FV Cash price tag.



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