FarmVille Brown Lamb & Brown Sheep Reunite! --->share

FarmVille Brown Lamb & Brown Sheep Reunite! --->share

The Brown Lamb seems to finally have made its way to the Brown Sheep! True to Lexilicious’ word, changes seem to have been made to the Progress Bar set to reunite the Baby Brown Lamb with the Brown Sheep! Once they are reunited on your farm, the following is what you will see! As you remember, the steps to reunite the Baby Brown Lamb with the Brown Sheep were:

  1. Install the FarmVille App
  2. Provide your email to receive updates
  3. Become a fan of FarmVille
  4. Return to the FarmVille App 3 Days in a Row
  5. Get 5 friends to help by sending them a request to start playing the game

Once these steps are completed, you will be awarded the Baby Brown Lamb and Brown sheep for you to keep! Not only that, but you can also share a Brown Baby Lamb with one neighbor!just helped ababy lamb to find his way to home


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