One key fact is that if you would like to redeem any of the prizes for current Collections do so quickly! Additionally, while you will be given XP and Farm Coins for your existing collectibles, those that are just sitting around in your Gift Box will be useless once the system is revamped.
Read more details on the Collection revamp from FarmVille:
“Collections [are] Getting a Revamp Soon!
Collections [are] changing soon! You’ll be able to gather all new collectibles, then redeem for a variety of amazing prizes. You can even level up your collections for even better rewards!
You’ll also get XP and Coins for the collectibles you’ve already assigned to a Collection (those not in a Collection but are sitting in your Gift Box will need to be deleted as they’ll become useless once we make the change). But, if you still want those rewards from the old Collections, redeem them quickly.
One nice thing is that you won’t have to worry about the collectibles sitting in your Gift Box anymore (especially if you’ve maxed out on it), nor will you get those funky SDB “Use All” cases where you open up 100 SDBs and wind up with 100 Needlepoints or something. It’s all integrated into a single inventory-less system, a lot like the Wishing Well. You’ll also be able to share certain collectibles with your neighbors.
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