Farmville Updates Mystery Game Prizes and Price

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Today Farmville updates the prizes you can win by playing Mystery Game, the mystery game was released last week as special limited edition item for 6 days only, for 20 FV Cash for each dart, but Farmville has extended the Mystery Game to 6 more days reducing the price to 16FV Cash। The list of the prize you can win has also been updated. This time the most rare prize will yield not just one, but TWO animals! Meaning, if you win the Female Ostrich, the most rare animal, you will be rewarded with two for one balloon pop!
Mystery Game Now for 16 FV

Mystery Game Now for 16 FV

The following are confirmed current Mystery Game Prizes (07.22.10):

* Bird Fountain (Common)
* Fancy Birdhouse (Common)
* Parrot Swing (Uncommon)
* African Gray Bird (Uncommon)
* Crowned Crane (Rare)
* Female Ostrich (Rare)

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FarmVille Bird Fountain

FarmVille Bird Fountain

FarmVille Fancy Pink Birdhouse

FarmVille Fancy Pink Birdhouse

FarmVille Parrot Swing

FarmVille Parrot Swing

FarmVille Gray Macaw

FarmVille Gray Macaw

FarmVille Crane

FarmVille Crane

FarmVille Brown Ostrich

FarmVille Brown ओस्त्रीच


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