FarmVille LE Germany Animals (Released September 23, 2010):

FarmVille LE Germany Animals (Released September 23, 2010):

  • Gelbvieh Cow – 22 FV$
  • Lynx – 18 FV$

Gelbvieh, or German “Yellow cattle”. They are a dual-purpose cattle breed originating in Bavaria, Germany around the end of the 18th century. The breed is known as the “German Yellow” and “Einfarbiges gelbes Hohenvieh.” In spite of the name, the breed is a honey gold to red color, but due to crossbreeding with Angus cattle, a good portion of Gelbvieh cattle are now black.” (Source: Wikipedia) and “Lynx have short tails and characteristic tufts of black hair on the tip of their ears.They have a ruff under the neck, which has black bars (not very visible), resembling a bow tie. They have large padded paws for walking on snow, and long whiskers on the face. They feed on a wide range of animals from white-tailed deer, reindeer, roe deer, small red deer, and chamois, to smaller, more usual prey.(Watch out where you place your Lynx on your farm). Since the 1990s, there have been numerous efforts to resettle the Eurasian lynx in Germany and since 2000 a small population can now be found in the Harz mountains near Bad Lauterberg.” (Source: Wikipedia)


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