UNRELEASED Super Combine Tutorial!

UNRELEASED Super Combine Tutorial! There are the standard colors of the Harvester, Tractor and Seeder. Everything seems to be straight forward, but the question remains what size will this cover? Just by looking at the menu, it seems to be 4×4 but unknown if it will be able to add vehicle parts to increase the size. As always, we do not know if/when this will be released or its price/mechanics. Everything here is just speculation.(yenı gelecek olan Super Combine Standart renkleri var Harvester, Traktor ve Seederlerin. Hersey su ana kadar kesin gibi gozukuyor, tek bir soru kaldi boyutlari ne olacak. Menu'ye bakarak 4x4 gibi gozukuyor ama bilemiyoruz. Herzamanki gibi yine kesin olarak nezaman gelecegi ve fiyatlarinin ne olacagi belli degil. Sadece tahmin ettiklerimiz var. )http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs685.snc4/62501_469480139803_224337954803_6744359_5238055_n.jpg


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