Farmville Unreleased Gelbvieh Cow & Calf

Gelbvieh Calf Sad

Note: Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille

Gelbvieh is a dual-purpose cattle breed originating in Bavaria, Germany around the end of the 18th century. The breed is known as the “German Yellow” and “Einfarbiges gelbes Hohenvieh.” In spite of the name, the breed is a honey gold to red color, but due to crossbreeding with Angus cattle, a good portion of Gelbvieh cattle are now black. It was partly derived from the Schwyz and Bernese breeds of Swiss cattle.

Gelbvieh Calf

Gelbvieh Calf

Gelbvieh Calf Stork

Gelbvieh Calf Stork

Gelbvieh Calf Sad

Gelbvieh Calf Sad

Gelbvieh Cow

Gelbvieh Cow


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