My Nursery Barn is Broke I keep getting Blue Ponies, and no cash horses!

The Nursery Barn is maybe the building with a purpose that gets the most “huh!?” type expressions once it’s done its deed. So lets tackle this in a way that maybe will make sense.
1) “I put my rare foals in the nursery, and I never get a Rare Horse, must be broken?”
Not at all. The Sales of Cash horses would drop to like 5%, if even that high, if all the horses could be grown in the nursery. There was one Cash horse, the Haflinger, that the foal for a few hours grew up into its adult. The forums, they likely burst into flames due to the angry farmers, that demanded their cash back. Instead Zynga deleted most of the posts and changed the coding to make the haflinger foal grow into the standard Black Horse. I feel like I say this same basic story often, but it doesn’t exactly get into folks head so well. Edit: I didn’t include about when the Black Stallion Foal was growing into the Black Stallion, that’s a whole huge crazy issue whenever it comes up, mostly from folks drinking the Koolaid. Also The Groovy Calf used to become a Groovy Cow.

2) “I only put foals in my nursery but I keep getting cows growing up, and then my game oos’es but I still have the Cow in my Giftbox” This is fairly easy, all the baby animals you’ve harvested in the Nursery, the “DNA” of the critter is remembered, So its possible that you have 20 foals in there and get a Cow grown up, if you’ve ever had a calf in there in the past. The solution to this is to rebuild the building, and only put in there the babies of the animals you wish to create. This will give you a blank slate so to speak.
3) “The Nursery Barn only makes crap animals” Well Opinions are like a number of things, and some of them stink. But the Nursery Barn Adults are Exclusive to it, minus the Uk Top Hat Cow being a purchasable Item. And the Mini Cream Horse is pretty cute. I just don’t trust that Chocolate Brown Cow/Calf.
4) “The Nursery Barn should hold more animals!” If I collected the foals I’d agree with you, their Footprint is Epically huge and could easily be 1×2 instead of 2×2. Maybe in the future the Nursery will be allowed to have some more expansions. All and all, there are more things the Nursery Could do. But most of those would take away future money options, so I don’t see that a coming, how cool would it be if the nursery was more like the sheep pen! You could grow up your Gypsy Horse Foal into like a Green Gypsy horse? Well I should be quiet before Zynga decides the repaint the Gypsy Horse a few more times. If you got any Nursery Questions/Comments/Complaints/Or just want to say something nice. Leave a comment down below.


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