Rainbow Dots Ram in the Market (if you Like it, Share it)

The FarmVille Market has officially added two new Sheep tonight including a Ram (Rainbow Dots) and a Chameleon Ewe. While these Sheep may not be new to you, this is the first time that they are available for direct purchase in the FarmVille Market.
Both of these Sheep are what we know and have been referring to as “Flashers”, meaning that they will change colors in flashes. The Ram (Rainbow Dots) features flashing polka dots. The Chameleon Ewe flashes different colors in a solid pattern. This means that any of these type of Flashers that you already have on your farm will now be “legal” breeders meaning that they will produce similar type offspring.

Both of these Limited Edition English Countryside Sheep can be purchased using Farm Cash only via the FarmVille Market. The Ram (Rainbow Dots) costs a ridiculous 30 FV$ Farm Cash making it the most expensive FarmVille Sheep thus far! Those are some expensive polka dots! The Chameleon Ewe, although still flashing, but doesn’t offer another type pattern making it 10 Farm Cash less at 20 FV$. Neither animals are exclusive to the English Countryside so they can be purchased for either of your farms.

FarmVille Limited Edition English Countryside Sheep (Released: April 28, 2011)

  • FarmVille Ram (Rainbow Dots) – 30 Farm Cash
  • FarmVille Chameleon Ewe – 2o Farm Cash


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