With the introduction of Orchards farmers can now group their trees into a new type of building that can be harvested for special mystery seeds. Tree Mastery has also been added for those who truly love their trees. Unlike other buildings where you can place items inside, all of the different trees are visible within, so you can make colorful and compact unique displays.
Building Orchards
You’ll get your first Orchard frame for free the first time you play FarmVille after it updates, and will immediately be entered into Placement Mode. You can place the Orchard frame on your farm now, or you can choose to place it in your Gift Box for use later. There are no level restrictions for the Orchard.
The Orchard is a constructable building, so you’ll need a grand total of 30 parts (10 bricks, 10 nails and 10 wooden boards) to finish it. Like other constructable buildings, you can ask your neighbors for these parts by posting to your feed, give parts to your neighbors via the Free Gifts page, or acquire new parts by purchase (with Farm Cash) or through Special Delivery Boxes. If you have some leftover parts in your Gift Box you can also use those.
Once an Orchard is fully complete, you can choose to start building another one by buying an incomplete Orchard frame in the Market (for 1,000 coins) or a fully complete Orchard (30 Farm Cash)। You can have as many Orchards as you have farm space for, provided you are building only one at a time।
Making Your Orchards Pretty
Each Orchard can hold up to 20 trees, which you can move into the Orchard simply by clicking on tree, selecting Move, and then clicking on the Orchard you want to move the tree in to. Visually the Orchard will show each of the individual trees you put into it. You cannot directly choose where the trees are placed in the Orchard, but you can choose the order by which they go into the Orchard, and that order determines how the Orchards look visibly.This means that the look of the Orchard can change wildly depending on the trees you put into it. Orchards can also be lined up and arrayed quite easily, so making large colorful displays is entirely possible.
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