Farmville Sends Free Duke's Airship with 200 Goods to CityVille ((Tell Your Friends "Share" NOW))

Farmville Send Free Duke's Airship with 200 Goods to CityVille ((Tell Your Friends "Share"))

Keep an eye out on the skies on your city in CityVille, as you just might receive a special visit from Duke's Airship, made famous with the FarmVille English Countryside. Duke's Airship has come by to drop off Goods - around 200 - to your town, absolutely free, and all you have to do is watch-out for the pop-up alerting you to his presence.

You'll see a pop-up saying something like "What's that up in the sky?" and then you'll see the airship in all of its glory, flying over your town, only to stop, drop off some Goods, and disappear as quickly as he appeared. You're then given a pop-up advertising the FarmVille English Countryside, but you don't actually have to go play FarmVille to receive your Goods. Just make sure you have some room in your Goods bar the next time you play, so that this valuable air drop doesn't go to waste!

What did you think of Duke's Airship flying over your town? Would you mind receiving similar advertisements more frequently, if it meant free Goods or energy for you in the future? Let us know in the comments.


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