Horse Paddock Warning, You Must Read it (Share with your Friends Quickly)


After you build your new Horse Paddock, the first time that you go to harvest any existing Horse Stables you should receive a pop-up offering you to trade-in your Horse Stable for a free exclusive Horse and some Animal Feed. Declining the offer and choosing to keep your Horse Stable does not mean that you are rid of the offer forever! Remember, that in the future you may still receive the trade-in pop-up, so be especially careful if you wish to keep your Horse Stables!

From Zynga:

  • “Players will be able to keep their existing Horse Stable.
  • The old Horse Stable won’t produce foals for any new horses (but current horses will still produce foals that you can share).
  • Once the Horse Paddock is released, the first time you click an old Horse Stable, you’ll be presented with the option to trade-in all their old Horse Stables for an exclusive Horse and Animal Feed. If you decline, you’ll be presented with the offer again every once in a while.
  • To get foals that you can keep and share, place a new Horse Paddock! All foals can produce a foal in the new Horse Paddock!” (Source: Official FarmVille Forum)


loopiloosusisue said...

My Cow Shed's we're Taken Away from me & i was Totally Disgusted, that was a POP UP!!!!

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