Do you Have Missing Ducklings, color confused Ducklings, and Ducklings that won’t grow (Details Here) Share Now

Missing Ducklings, color confused Ducklings, and Ducklings that won’t grow- the FarmVille Ducklings are currently filled with bugs.

FarmVille Freaks started reporting missing or invisible Ducklings days ago, other Ducklings that were supposed to be Red or Blue decided to change to Brown, and finally some Ducklings simply won’t or cannot grow.

All of the Duckling problems are known issues reported by Zynga and they are currently working on curing all the Duckling woes.

From FarmVille official Forum:

Red and blue ducklings are displaying as brown

  • Last Update: 7/25
  • Description: Since 7/16, players are reporting that their red and blue ducklings have turned brown.
  • Status: The FarmVille studio is aware of these reports and is investigating the issue.
  • Workaround:N/A

Cannot help ducking grow

  • Last Update: 7/26
  • Description: When a player sends out requests to get help to grow a duckling and when neighbors click on the request, they are told the duckling is done. However, no progress is made at all on the duck.
  • Status: The issue has been resolved.
  • Workaround: N/A

Are you having problems with your Ducklings?


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