CityVille New Growth, New Flowers in Spring

Zynga has reminded users that as Spring is now officially upon us in the real world, it too will be launching in CityVIlle in the very near future. While you can still cover your city in snow before it “melts away” for the year (read: is removed from the store), the real news here is that once the snow does leave, we’ll apparently be met with new updates in our Spring-time cities.

Zynga says that “new growth” will be coming, and from the image above, we think that might mean the introduction of new flowers and other plant life being added to the plain green grass to make it more interesting. There are flower bushes, plain green bushes, solitary sprouting flowers (resembling yellow daisies), and even a new tree with budding leaves represented in the picture at the top of this post.

Does this announcement, which was accompanied by this picture, mean that all four of those things will be launching in CityVille once the snow leaves for good? Or, is this simply a coincidence, and the new items will be things like the lounge chair and umbrella? Sure, the word “growth” leads one to think of nature, but I think anything is possible at this point.


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