Farmville Building Your Sheep Pen ((Guide & Details Here))-->(SHARE)

The English Countryside is packed with exciting new features such as Sheep Breeding! Sheep Breeding in the English Countryside is easy enough, but before you can start your breeding ventures, you will first need a Sheep Pen. That’s right your beloved FarmVille furry flock finally has a home! So let’s get started and get you well on your way to breeding your Ewes and Rams for endless possible offspring.

First, the only way you can access Sheep Breeding and the Sheep Pen is on your English Countryside farms. If you do not yet have access to the English Countryside, fear not as it’s slowly being rolled out throughout the day. On your English farms you will be introduced to Sheep Pens in the “Et Tu, Brutus? Quest” or you can purchase a Sheep Pen in the FarmVille Market for 5,000 Farm Coins under the “Buildings” tab.
The Sheep Pen is a constructible building with three building phases. Each phase requires more supplies for its completion. As you build and complete each phase of the construction, the Sheep Pen changes physical appearance becoming bigger and better with each progressive stage. Upon completion you will see up to three Sheep on the outside of your Sheep Pen which are the most recent Sheep placed inside your pen.


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