Countryside English Barn ((ALL Details)) ((Share))

The Limited Edition English Countryside Theme has launched itself in FarmVille!

Note: These items can be purchased for your home farm or your English Countryside farms. However, if you would like the same item on both of your farms you will need to buy two. Items are not transferable after placement on your farm.

For a limited time only, some items that will be available in the FarmVille English Countryside, are available for us on our “home” farms as well. If you’d like a taste of the English Countryside on your original farm, then this is a great way to sample the English Countryside and give your farm the look and feel of the countryside. These items will be available in the FarmVille Market for 29 days, which means until April 22, 2011.

Since we won’t be able to access our storage on our FarmVille English Countryside farms, we will definitely needs lots of storage available for purchase. Keeping that in mind, FarmVille has released the English Barn and the English Tool Shed for us.

FarmVille English Countryside Buildings

  • FarmVille English Barn – 30 Farm Cash
  • FarmVille English Tool Shed – 100,000 Farm Coins


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