Farmville Unreleased Butterfly Garden (About It Here)--> Share

Note: Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to FarmVille।

Real Information:Butterflies are some of the most beautiful and interesting creatures on Earth. A butterfly garden is an easy way to see more butterflies and to help them, since many natural butterfly habitats have been lost to human activities like building homes, roads and farms. It is easy to increase the number and variety of butterflies in your yard. Simply grow the plants the caterpillars like to eat, and plants that adult butterflies feed on! We can help - we have LOTS of informative articles to help you:

- Butterfly Nectar Plants (plants adult butterflies like)

- Butterfly Host Plants (plants caterpillars like)

- Butterfly Gardening by Area (what butterflies live in your area)

- Butterfly Garden Plans (the layout and design)

- Butterfly Behavior To Watch in the Garden (feeding, basking, etc)

- Sprucing Up Your Butterfly Garden (spruce up your existing garden)

- Raise Butterflies & Build Them a Home (add butterflies to your garden)


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